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Updating Nextcloud Image with Docker

Listing Current Images

run the following command to list all your docker images

sudo docker images

The output should look similiar to this.

REPOSITORY                TAG             IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
bankaitech/nextcloud 28.0.5-custom 1715832d34f5 31 minutes ago 2.41GB
bankaitech/nextcloud latest 1715832d34f5 31 minutes ago 2.41GB
redis latest 7fc37b47acde 3 weeks ago 116MB
nextcloud/aio-imaginary latest ed2f702ee7bb 5 weeks ago 162MB
collabora/code latest 9e4e65343730 5 weeks ago 1.35GB
mariadb 10.6 89d7493508f3 2 months ago 396MB
radialapps/go-vod latest 7562fd28454d 5 months ago 789MB

Removing Old Image

For this tutorial I will be removing the bankaitech/nextcloud:latest image.

First lets stop nextcloud

sudo docker compose down

You have to be in the directory containing your docker-compose.yaml file

Lets Delete the old Image

sudo docker image rm bankaitech/nextcloud:latest

Now lets pull the new image

sudo docker pull bankaitech/nextcloud:latest

Wait for it to finish downloading

Starting nextcloud

Start nextcloud

sudo docker compose up -d

Wait about 15-30 seconds and then check the nextcloud logs

sudo docker logs nextcloud

You should see this

root@testing:/var/docker/nextcloud# docker logs nextcloud
Configuring Redis as session handler
Initializing nextcloud ...
Upgrading nextcloud from ...
=> Searching for scripts (*.sh) to run, located in the folder: /docker-entrypoint-hooks.d/pre-upgrade
Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
Setting log level to debug
Turned on maintenance mode
Updating database schema
Updated database
Update app memories from App Store
Starting code integrity check...

You may have to check the logs several times if you are not seeing anything after Upgrading nextcloud

Now lets run the upgrade command

sudo docker exec -it -u 33 nextcloud php occ upgrade

You should see something like this

root@testing:/var/docker/nextcloud# sudo docker exec -it -u 33 nextcloud php occ upgrade                          
Nextcloud is already latest version

Now Nextcloud should Be Upgraded